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◆Special Event

Fashion Design + Composite Art
“b. Michael Fashion / Design AWARD”

Call for Entry & Guideline
The nature of the fashion show involves, “seasonal change,” and participation of the spectators (guest) and the models (performers). In addition, fashion shows are created by choosing the perfect combination from amongst the various elements such as models, makeup, sound and stage design to fit the theme. The examination of this complex but harmonious elements culminated in the exhibition concept, “Fashion Design + Composite Art.” the exhibition contemplates fashion design and the fashion show as an eclectic, spatial, and social composite art form combining among stage installation, lighting, accessories, make-ups, choice of models, music and video art. We will conduct a fashion design competition. The selected fashion designer will get “b. Michael Fashion / Design AWARD.” The final three fashion designers will be given $200 each and the opportunity to hold fashion shows (Models for the show will be provided by ohm model management) and exhibit their creations at the Ise Gallery in Soho (Approx. 1,700 Sq. Ft.) through the exhibition term. And the winners from the other two categories will have their creations and portfolios on display in the exhibit (no cash prize). It also includes the assistance of our New York gallery staff in creating promotional materials and other organizational tasks. Invitations and announcements of the fashion show, awards and exhibit will be sent to those in the art + fashion industry. The exhibit will be covered by NYC + Japanese press, giving participants national + international exposure.

The Exhibition Term: From June through July 2005

Juror: b. Michael
Curator: Mie Iwatsuki (Ise Cultural Foundation)

Students, artists and individuals.

Entries: ( 3 sections )

Fashion Design Section:
Portfolio with 10-15 sketches and / or photographs of previous work.
Fashion Accessories Section:
Submit a portfolio for fashion accessories (for ex. Shoes, belt, accessories, bags, etc.) (Selected entrants’ pieces will be displayed in the gallery through the exhibition term.)

Hair & Makeup- Artist Section:
Selected by the fashion award winners to collaborate for the fashion show.)
Submit a portfolio.

Application Procedure:
Candidates should submit portfolio with SASE envelope by the deadline, February 20th. Include 10-15 sketches and/or photographs of previous work and CV to ISE cultural Foundation Gallery. Only the selected three fashion designers and three accessories designers will be notified in the end of February. Selected fashion designers will select hair & make-up artists from the entries to collaborate for their show, and will be contacted in March. The winners from the other two categories will have their portfolios on display in the exhibit. Selected accessories designers will not be a part of the fashion show. (*Entries without SASE envelopes will not be returned.)

Submission Deadline:

All applications must be submitted by February 20, 2005

Mail application to:
Ise Cultural Foundation
Attn: “b. MichaelFashion / Design AWARD” exhibition
555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012


February 20th 2005: Submission Deadline
All applications must be submitted.

Three fashion designers and Fashion accessories designer will be selected by b. Michaeland notified.The selected three fashion designers will each choose a hair stylist and makeup-artist from the entry pool to collaborate in the fashion show.
Selected hair and makeup-artist will be notified.

March - May:
Fashion Show planning period.
(Sound, stage installation, hair & make-up, and selecting models, etc.)

June-July: Exhibition term
Selected three designers will hold fashion shows at the gallery space, each designer will present 20-30 garments for the show.The garments from the show as well as the selected accessories and the portfolio will be exhibited.

AWARD: “b. MichaelFashion / Design AWARD”
The final three fashion designers will be given $200 each and the opportunity to hold fashion shows and exhibit their creations at the Ise Gallery in Soho (Approx. 1,700 Sq. Ft.) through the exhibition term. And the winners from the other two categories will have their creations and portfolios on display in the exhibit (no cash prize). It also includes the assistance of our New York gallery staff in creating promotional materials and other organizational tasks. Invitations and announcements of the fashion show, awards and exhibit will be sent to those in the art + fashion industry. The exhibit will be covered by NYC + Japanese press, giving participants national + international exposure.

Models for the show will be provided by

Terms and conditions:
Please note that funds are not offered by the Foundation, the excess expenses such as shipping and transportation, operational cost, installation, and the creation of new works are sole responsibility of the participants. Applicants must acknowledge that under the terms of the insurance policy, on-site insurance is available for the exhibited artworks and personal properties. However, the total of value must be limited to $80,000 for artworks and $2,500 for the personal properties. Please note, the ISE Cultural Foundation is not responsible for artworks or personal properties while in transit; and thus, items in transit to or from the Gallery are not insured under our policy. The Ise Gallery is non-profit, and thus not sales orientated, however, The designers are able to sell their products during the exhibition period, as a condition of the endowment, 30% of any profits from the sale of works during the exhibition must be donated to the Ise Cultural Foundation. Some audio and projection equipments are available to use. Please speak to the gallery staff.

Copyright (C) 2002 by ISE Foundation.
 All rights reserved. Reproduction for personal use is permitted.
 All other uses are prohibited without the formal authorization of  ISE Foundation.