Past Exhibition

Kohei Kobayashi 3
March 22 - April 20, 2002
Opening Reception: Friday, March 22, 6-8PM
Ise Cultural Foundation presents the U.S. debut of a promising young video artist, Kohei Kobayashi, entitled Kohei Kobayashi 3. This exhibition is a part of the Ise Foundationユs curatorial program, PEC (Program for Emerging Curators). Yuko Yamamoto takes charge of the curatorial direction for the second PEC exhibition.

In his video works, Kobayashi employs shadows of human figures continuously moving; composites of their body parts appear and flow as if they are kinetic objects freed from gravity. Although there are absolutely no sounds in the works, the audience has afterimages of the black and white ghostlike figures and inevitably generates sounds in their minds during and after watching the images on the monitors. Some of the viewers interpret the wriggling images as doppelg穫gers when they see themselves reflected in the imposing and entirely indifferent world of Kobayashiユs media work. Likewise, the artist embeds his personal observation of his contemporaries in society in our subconscious psyches.

Kohei Kobayashi, who is a graduate from the oil painting department at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Art and Music in 1999, and lives and works in Japan. He is one of the leading young artists in Japan and his works have been represented in several group shows including the Fukui Biennale 8 in the year of his graduation. He has also had a solo show in Nagoya and will have one in Shizuoka after this exhibition at the Ise Foundation Gallery. He is used to be one of the operating members of an artist-run space Art Space Dot in Nagoya.

Yuko Yamamoto, who is the invited curator for Kobayashi 3, is Japan-based and currently works at Shiraishi Contemporary Art Inc. (SCAI), Japan. She has directed several remarkable exhibitions of Japanese contemporary artists such as Kenji Yanobe and Motohiko Odani at Roentgen Kunstraum, Tokyo and other spaces.

■Exhibition Information
Artist: Kohei Kobayashi
Title of the Exhibition: Kohei Kobayashi 3
Exhibition Date: March 22 - April 20, 2002
Opening reception: Friday, March 22, 6 - 8 PM
 *Performance by "Higashi, Kyoko" will be accompanied from 7 PM.
Guest Curator: Yuko Yamamoto, Shiraishi Contemporary Art Inc. (SCAI)

■Ise Cultural Foundation Gallery
555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Telephone: 212-925-1649 Fax: 212-226-9362
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 12 Noon - 6 PM URL:
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 All rights reserved. Reproduction for personal use is permitted.
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